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Companies - get it together!

If internal politics is getting in the way of a great web presence, then your company needs to get to grips with Web Governance.

no clear definition of roles and responsibilities

Lots of companies have great intentions when it comes to their web presence, but results fail to live up to expectations. Quite often the problem is an internal one where key decisions cannot easily be made because there is no clear definition of web roles and responsibilities.

SITS can help your company re-ogranize itself around its new digital responsibilities by helping you implement a Web Governance Framework.

What is Web Governance?

Web Governance is a system of regulation that a company can use to make sure that anything to do with the company’s web presence is done in an efficient and orderly manner.

When any decision with regards to the web needs to be made, Web Governance describes the decision-making process so that there is no confusion as to how to handle the situation and who should tackle the decision.

Why do companies find it so hard to get organized?

Organizations find it hard to establish effective web teams because websites don’t usually fall under the normal domain of a single department within a traditional organization. They are not solely technical or marketing endeavors.

There are design, business, strategic, and content skills to consider too. In fact, a website is critical to so many departments, such as HR, sales, marketing, support, and upper management. It should be of little wonder why this single resource is so poorly managed.

If there is a web team or web person, they are given the duty of promoting the entire organization, yet are normally inadequately empowered or resourced to carry out those duties. Consequently, in an attempt to achieve all goals, conflicting ideas enter the website, resulting in a confused and ineffective solution.

Stop people from imposing their will on the  website

For some companies, the website is a virtual battleground where everyone wants to grab a bit of the action. For other companies, the website is a virtual dessert where no one wants to get involved, leaving it up to a poor IT developer to run the company’s reputation to the ground.

  • Stop senior level people telling you to make the logo bigger or their profile longer
  • Stop technical people using the website to practice the technology flavor of the month
  • Stop marketing people highjacking the website for campaigns
  • Stop the website being designed by have-a-go technicians

Start reaping the rewards of a slick web operation

Once the rules are in place, there will be less indecision and more momentum. Your company will stop losing money to competition and will be able to catch up with the digital revolution once and for all.

What SITS can do for you

SITS can help your company manage its website more effectively by working out the roles and responsibilities of everyone involved.

By analyzing your current resources and the strategic priorities of upper management, we can empower the web team the right level or staffing, authority, and budget so that they can do their jobs effectively.

Web governance is not just a document. It’s an organizational change. SITS can assist in the transition to the digital era by providing you with ideas, insights, and a plan of attack.

Helping with the transition

The transition won’t be overnight, and you’ll need time to adjust and work through the finer points. SITS can be there in the background making sure everything happens to plan, or we can take a more hands-on approach and champion the transition to speed up this process.

Please contact SITS for more details on how we can help your company grow in the digital age through web governance.