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Manage your workflow

Get documents in front of the right people at the right time. With a SITS software, you can make workflow management a breeze.

workflow management in a breeze

Managing files and getting them in front of the right people, at the right time, and in the right order can be a lot of work.

With the SITS Workflow Management software, you can organize, collaborate, and publish documents, images, and files.

Getting approval, getting things published on the right date, and organizing file, documents, or projects are just some ways our software can make your company run more smoothly.

Features and Benefits

  • Easy to use - The articles/work flow manager will be adapted to suit your particular set up
  • Ideal for publicists and editorial companies but also great for any workflow or process management situation
  • Decide who can and cannot see articles. Each participant can be given a set of privileges and views. You get to see the whole picture, but your information is safely guarded
  • Each one can have a variety of features and options to make your workflow management easier
  • Approve articles as part of a document management system